Monday, 20 April 2020

Disappearing World

 One Saturday morning in the place called Baguio (Baguio is the place where people can visit it and every day there's a lot of people coming to this place, Baguio Is a cold,nice and clean place) but one day it's so strange to them it’s was very cold and no one go to their place, they starting to panic so they starting to go to their house and stay their, but 5 minutes later it's so dark so they check outside if there something wrong they saw something strange half of the world are disappearing so they run fast as they can but each step a  Piece by piece, the street was disappearing and some of them are losing but they still running but 5 minutes later they are all losing but when the last person stop the world is starting to go apart its likes reverse and 7 years later the place are still the same and of course  people are still visiting this beautiful place.


  1. Wow, such a cool story. Love "piece by piece, the street was disappearing." I could see that happening and it was exciting. Would be easier to read with a few shorter sentences. What do you think?

  2. Kia Ora, Angela my name is Sulaiman im in Room 24 Next to you. Your writing
    is really good I wrote a story with that picture, you could maybe try reading your story because I found some mistakes that you can fix. Anyways that's all I have to say, come check out my blog

  3. Kia ora Angle,

    My name is Gabriella and I go to Hay Park School.

    I really enjoyed the part when the world is disappearing into thin air. Do you think that maybe somewhere in the story you can tell us what happened and who were the people running away from what ever is happening.

    Maybe next time you should explain the task you were given?


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